
Doom 3 marine
Doom 3 marine

doom 3 marine

While I Know it is just an Easter Egg I also like to think that the Flynn Taggart Books in the Doom Slayer's room are actually FanFiction written by some rando who somehow survived Doom 1 and a bookstore with them inside somehow went to Hell during Doom 2 and the Doom Slayer found them at some point and put them in the Fortress of Doom (which I have so many questions about the FoD and wonder if there is comics or something Explaining pretty much everything between Doom 2016 and Doom Eternal since the Game just sort of shoves you directly into the first Level. So Doomguy was probably still on the Sentinel Homeworld during D3 doing whatever nascent battlegods do before they get tossed in the Pain bringer to get Divinity (what did the Divinity Machine even do for him?!) shoved inside of him and be renamed "Doom Slayer". One of the people who made the original Doom even directly stated Commander Keen, Wulfenstein, and all Doom Games are in the same continuity. There are four difficulty levels in Doom 3: Recruit, Marine, Veteran.


There is a Multiverse confirmed to Exist in the new Wulfenstein and the first game in the new Wulfenstein Series starts with the end cinematic from the last Game in the first series so it makes sense. Since Doom 3 is a remake of the original Doom a game which did not have high-end. These are three different Timelines, four and possibly five if you include Wulfenstein and Commander Keen.

doom 3 marine

The upcoming completion of the Lost Memories, however, proved that such a long hiatus. This story was started in July 2006 and suffered a fate similar to the 'Lost Memories' it reached a certain point (Chapter 6) and then I stopped working on it, for a number of reasons. This also factors into my Headcanon that may or may not be supported by actual Canon where Doomguy after D2 got shat out through a portal onto the Sentinel Homeworld because of his badassitude being too much for the Demons but not enough for them to fear him (yet). TX: marine HF bands (see detailed specifications) Output power: 150 W. The story takes place two and a half years before the events of Doom 3.

doom 3 marine

Literally the only Reason the Soul Cube is in the new Doom is because of Doom Marine shoving it into the face of that asshole in D3 and that guy got his ass kicked by a bunch of Faceless Mooks in shitty armor and the Soul Cube taken as a nifty trinket because evereyone in D3 sucks just as much as that Game. Hence why you can tear open portals to it in order to teleport to different locations. I like to think of Hell as an extratemporal glue plane.

Doom 3 marine